Collection of modern profile cards

Track Statistics

Monitor data from platforms like GitHub, GitLab, Stack Overflow, and LinkedIn for a specific user.

Collaboration Patterns

Analyze collaboration patterns among developers, including collaboration networks, co-authorship relationships, and project contributions.

Info Presentation

Use our card and panel format to efficiently display user information in specific sectors.

Test our card preview with your information

Enter your GitHub username in the box below and preview what your Business Dev Card could look like!

Enhanced Profile Visibility

Tired of:

  • Boring CVs?
  • Wasting time building numerous profiles?
  • Constantly searching for your information?
  • Difficulties in conveying your expertise to potential recruiters?

Difficulties in conveying your expertise to potential recruiters?

Customize to your liking!

  • Multiple different card templates
  • Variety of formats
  • Open source!
  • Support for many different platforms

Start your open source journey here!

  • Enhance Your Skills

    Contributing to open-source projects enhances your coding skills and familiarity with new technologies. You gain practical experience, solve complex problems, and stay current with software development trends, aiding your growth as a developer.

  • Build a Professional Network

    Open-source communities unite global developers, offering connections with peers, mentors, and potential employers. Contributing to these projects can lead to job opportunities, collaborations, and access to a wealth of shared knowledge and resources.

  • Boost Your Portfolio

    Contributing to open-source projects showcases your skills and dedication, enhancing your portfolio and making you more attractive to employers and clients. A strong presence in the community demonstrates your commitment and can earn you recognition and respect from peers.

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Built by Mathys Deshaies. The source code is available on GitHub